MANAV KALYAN SEWA SAMITI is registered at Allahabad U.P as a voluntary organization under society registration Act 21, 1860 established during 1997. Although society is registered on dated but it has being carrying out the activities of social development last several years in the area of Skill development, health, education, livelihood creation, training and capacity building, water and sanitation and issues related with women and children in villages, urban/semi urban areas of Agra, Balliya, Mirzapur, Allahabad, Bhadohi, Mahoda, Gorakhpur and Pratapgarh district etc. In latter stage organization is registered to provide social services to the most deprived section of the community with approach of holistic development. Primary focus area of the society to develop equity among community is education, heath, livelihood development, tribal welfare, capacity building of man and women to know their rights and increase participation in PRI. Society comprises with eleven members the member of the Samiti are working voluntarily for the improvement & betterment of the human society through Awareness programs, Empowerment, Education Training of Women, Weaker, Unemployed, Disable & Helpless People .